Профессиональный английский язык/ преподаватель Щаева А.М.

Выполнить все задания в практических работах 1-15


Задание 1
 Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы.
                          REDUCTION GEARS AND COUPLINGS
On practically all turbine ships, main turbines drive the propellers through mechanical reduction gears or by electrical transmission. When reduction gears are used, flexible couplings are employed between the turbines and the gear sets.
Gears or toothed wheels are used to transmit rotary motion and torque from one shaft to another which may have a different speed or different direction of rotation or both.
Most present-day merchant marine turbines operate at speeds ranging between 3,000 and 10,000 r.p.m. and are connected to large, slow-turning propellers which operate at anywhere from 80 to 100 r.p.m. Consequently, a double reduction main propulsion gear unit is required to provide the necessary speed reduction. Conventional practice employs two compound turbines, high pressure and low pressure, which connected through the gearing, drive n single propeller. One a type of double reduction gear unit is known as the articulated.
To minimize the effects of hull distortion and provide for slight thermal expansion of various parts, turbine, and pinion shafts are connected through couplings.
Turbine couplings may be of the solid or flexible type.
Solid couplings are generally used for small units, where the turbine and the driven member are mounted on a common bed or foundation.
Words to be Learnt
toothed  -   зубчатый
torque   -  вращающий момент
consequently  -   как следствие
conventional  -   традиционный
articulated  -   цепная (передача)
distortion  -   деформация
pinion shaft  -   ведущая шестерня
misalignment  -   несоосность, несовпадение с осью
strain  -   напряжение
claw -  кулак, выступ
flexible coupling  -   упругая муфта, соединение
gear set  -   узел редуктора
to drive through a reduction gear  -   приводить в движение через редуктор
double reduction gear  -   двухступенчатый редуктор
speed reduction  -  понижение скорости (частоты вращения)
solid coupling  -   жесткая муфта
driving and driven unit  -   приводящий и приводимый в действие агрегат
claw coupling  -   кулачковая муфта

Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.
1) For large turbines driving the propeller through a reduction gear or turbines driving auxiliaries, where the driving and driven units each have their own two bearings, a flexible coupling is necessary.
2) Flexible couplings permit some slight misalignment after installation, such as caused by pipe strains, expansion due to heat and others.
3) In the propulsion turbines the claw and gear tooth types are used for rotors
    and pinions connection.
4) Turbines drive the propellers by electrical transmission and minimize the
    hull   distortion through couplings, which are mounted on a solid foundation.
5) The shafts rotate at different speeds and in different directions.

Задание 3
Ответьте письменно на вопросы.
1)    How do main turbines drive the propellers?
2)    What is employed between the turbines and gear sets when reduction gears are used?
3)    What are gears used for?
4)    At what speed do most present-day merchant marine turbines operate?
5)    To what device are turbines connected?
6)    At what number of revolutions do large, slow-turning propellers operate?
7)    What provides the necessary speed reduction?
8)    How are the high pressure and low pressure turbines connected to each other?
9)    How are turbine and pinion shafts connected?
10) What types of couplings do you know and what are they used for?

Задание 4
 Переведите с русского языка на английский.
1) Зубчатые колёса передают вращательное движение от одного вала к другому.
2) Современные морские турбины работают с частотой вращения до 10000.
3) Для уменьшения частоты вращения используется двухступенчатый редуктор.
4) Муфты используются для того, чтобы обеспечить тепловое расширение частей, они бывают жесткие и эластичные.
5) Жесткие муфты используются, когда турбина и приводной элемент смонтированы на общем валу, а гибкая, эластичная муфта используется, когда винт приводится в движение через редуктор.
6) Турбина приводит винт в движение через редуктор

                                                   ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 2

Задание 1
 Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы.
A propeller for a modern cargo or passenger ship consists of a boss and 3-5 propeller blades cast in bronze alloy, the main components of which are normally Cu, Al and Ni. The rear surfaces of the blades – called the pressure side of the propeller – are shaped approximately the same as a thread surface.
The pressure surfaces of the propeller blades can be imagined as being produced by turning a line segment at constant angular velocity around one end point. On some propellers, the angle between the line segment and the axis of rotation is less than 90°.
The distance that the line segment moves along the axis during the course of one revolution is called the pitch of the propeller, this often being designated by the letter H. The propeller is said to be right-handed if it rotates clockwise when seen from astern during forward propulsion. If the opposite is the case then it is said to be left-handed. The edge of the propeller blade, which cuts into the water is known as the leading edge. The opposite edge is called the trailing edge. The diameter D of the propeller is the diameter of the circle described during rotation by the extremity of the blade, called the propeller tip. The area of this circle is called the disc area of the propeller. The ratio HD is called the pitch ratio.
When a propeller rotates in the water, a partial vacuum arises at the suction side of the blades. This vacuum is not constant but can vary both with regard to time and place.

boss of the propeller  -   ступица гребного винта
to be shaped as a thread surface  -   иметь форму поверхности с нарезкой
at constant angular velocity   -  с постоянной угловой скоростью
axis of rotation  -  ось вращения
pitch of the propeller  -   шаг винта
right (left)-handed propeller  -   винт правого (левого) вращения
if the opposite is the case  -   в противоположном случае
edge of the blade  -   кромка лопасти
trailing edge   -  кромка свободного вращения винта
pitch ratio  -   шаговое отношение
with regard to time and place  -   в зависимости от времени и места
relevant place   -  соответствующее место
Remember the types of the propellers.
constant pitch propeller (c.p.p.) — винт постоянного (по радиусу) шага;
controllable-pitch propeller (cpp) — гребной винт регулируемого шага;
controllable-reversible pitch propeller (c.r.p.p.) — реверсивный ВРШ;
contra (counter) rotating propellers (CRP) — противоположно вращающиеся (соосные) гребные винты
Mind the translation
as being produced by — как полученные путем
this often being designated by — что часто обозначается с  помощью

Задание 2
 Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.
1)    If the pressure created is lower than the pressure of the saturated water vapour at the temperature of the surroundings, the water will boil at the relevant place, and steam bubbles are formed and this gives rise to the phenomenon known as cavitation.
2)    Propellers with adjustable blades (controllable pitch propellers) are a further development of the normal propeller with fixed blades.
3)    By means of various types of adjusting mechanism, these propellers can be at various pitches from full pitch for sailing ahead and through zero pitch to full pitch for sailing astern.
4)    A propeller is of great importance for a modern cargo or passenger ship and usually it consists of a boss and 3-5 propeller blades.
5)    There are different types of propellers: constant pitch propeller, controllable-pitch propeller, controllable-reversible pitch propeller, contra or counter rotating propellers

Задание 3
Ответьте письменно на вопросы.
1)    What does a propeller for a modern cargo consist of?
2)    What are the main components of propeller blades?
3)    Is the angle between the line segment and the axis of rotation less or more than 90°?
4)    What is the pitch of the propeller?
5)    What is known as the leading edge?
6)    The opposite edge is called the trailing edge, isn’t it?
7)    What is called the disc area of the propeller?

Задание 4
Переведите с русского языка на английский.
1)    В зависимости от назначения ступица грибного винта может быть разного размера.
2)    Следует неукоснительно соблюдать технику безопасности, в противоположном случае неизбежна поломка кромки лопасти.
3)    Гребной винт регулируемого шага занимает соответствующее место.
4)    Противоположно вращающиеся гребные винты следует проверять каждые полгода.
5)    Лопасти винта запутались в рыбацких сетях.

                                              ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 3

Задание 1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы.
Before starting a unit certain precautions ought to be taken to make sure that the unit is ready for operation. The unit should be absolutely clean inside and out, and all parts securely fastened.
The following procedure for starting the unit should be observed: measure clearances where indicators are installed. Sее that the turbine rotors and gears move freely. This may be. done by turning the units by means of a motor-driven turning gear.
All valves and cocks for draining water from the main steam pipe, manoeuvring valves and turbine casings should be opened.
All steam valves at the manoeuvring gear and about the turbines should be closed.
The cocks to the pressure and vacuum gauges on the turbine and condenser should be open.
Determine that there is a supply of circulating water through the oil cooler by turning on the water and then turning it off.
Inspect the lubricating oil system carefully. It sometimes happens that the oil in the system becomes cold and viscous because of the weather or of the location of the oil tanks. Therefore, before starting the equipment it may be necessary to heat the oil in the tanks sufficiently to allow it to flow freely. The initial temperature of the oil should not be generally lower than 90°F.
Warm up turbine by running slowly, alternately ahead and astern. It is desirable to allow a reasonable time for warming up, say for one hour.
Words to be Learnt
precaution  -   предосторожность;
to fasten   -  закреплять;
securely  -   надежно;
to measure clearances  -   замерить зазоры;
turning gear   -  валоповоротка;
to become viscous  -   становиться вязким;
to warm the turbine up  -   прогреть турбину;
to preclude  -  исключать;
preferable  -  предпочтительный;
to omit   -   опускать;
throttle valve  -   дроссельный клапан;
unequal heating   -   неравномерный прогрев;
consequent   -  последующий;
warping   -  перекос, изгиб;
rolling      прокатка, проворачивание.
certain precautions ought to be taken  -   следует принять определенные меры предосторожности;
rotors and gears move freely  -   роторы и шестерни свободны;
by running slowly  -   медленно вращая;
to start the turbine turning   -  для страгивания турбины;
rolling alternately ahead and astern  -   попеременное проворачивание на передний и задний ход;
to bring the turbine up to speed  -   вывести турбину на заданную скорость;
to bring the vacuum up to normal  -   довести вакуум до нормы.

Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.
1) If conditions are such as to preclude alternate running ahead and astern, it is preferable to omit the warming operation entirely.
1)    In this event it is especially important that the first opening of the throttle valve be sufficient to start the turbine turning at once, to avoid unequal heating of the rotor and consequent warping.
2)    If the unit has been shut down for a few hours only, and the turbines are still warm, it is essential that the rolling alternately ahead and astern be carried out before bringing the unit up to speed.
3)    Start first stage of the air ejectors, bringing vacuum up to normal.
4)    Unit is now ready to manoeuvre or operate.

Задание 3
Ответьте письменно на вопросы.
1)    What ought you to do before starting a unit?
2)    In what condition should the unit be inside and out?
3)    Where should you measure (check) clearances?
4)    How must the turbine rotors and gears move?
5)    By means of what device do you check the turbine rotor and gear movement?
6)    What valves and cocks should be opened?
7)    What must be done to all steam valves at the manoeuvring gear find about the turbines when starting?
8)    Should the cooks to the pressure and vacuum gauges on the turbine and condenser be closed?
9)    How do you determine that there is a supply of circulating water?
10)Why should you inspect the lubricating system carefully?
11)Why should you heat the oil? Name the minimum allowable initial oil temperature.

Задание 4
Переведите с русского языка на английский.
1)    Для того, чтобы предотвратить изгиб следует принять определённые меры предосторожности.
2)    Иногда случается, что дроссельный клапан закреплён ненадёжно.
3)    Валоповоротка вращается слишком медленно.
4)    Неравномерный прогрев может сильно затруднить работу машины.
5)    Чтобы довести вакуум до нормы необходимо чётко следовать инструкции.

Задание 1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы.
Vibration is caused by lack of balance in the rotating parts of machinery. It has always been a source of trouble, due not only to the fact that the excessive wear on the bearings caused by vibration affects the accuracy and life of the machinery, but also to the fact that the exact point of "unbalance" has been difficult to locate and difficult to correct.
If in building up speed a turbine starts to vibrate, slow down immediately. If the vibration ceases at a lower speed, run at that speed for several moments. Then, again attempt to build up the speed. If no further vibration is noted it may be assumed that the trouble was probably due to unequal heating of the rotor or to an accumulation of water in the turbine. If the vibration does not cease at a lower speed steps should immediately be taken to locate and remedy the trouble.
When the turbine begins to vibrate and rumbling is heard coming from it, the trouble is due to water or other foreign matter in the turbine. If after slowing down or correcting faulty boiler operation the trouble is not eliminated, the turbine must, except in case of emergency, be shut down. If a sharp metallic sound is heard after the rumbling noise, it may be assumed that part of the blading has been damaged; the turbine must be shut down and not used until the cause of the trouble has been found.
Words to be Learnt
excessive   -  чрезмерный;
wear   -  износ;
point   -   зд. место;
to cease  -   прекращаться;
rumbling   - стук;
accurate alignment  -   точная центровка;
smooth operation  -   плавная работа;
to absorb  -   поглощать;
shock  -  удар;
eccentric loading  -   эксцентричная нагрузка;
to mesh   -  входить в зацепление;
to set up  -   производить;
severe vibration  -    резкая вибрация;
disturbing forces  -   возмущающие усилия;
to pinch   -  зажимать   (о корпусе)
to loose  -   ослаблять
lack of balance  -   отсутствие баланса;
a source of trouble  -   источник неполадок;
caused by vibration  -   вызванный вибрацией;
to build up speed  -   повышать скорость, доводить до заданного числа оборотов;
to run at that speed  -   работать на такой скорости;
it may be assumed  -   можно допустить;
the trouble is due to  -   неполадки происходят из-за;
steps should be taken  -   следует предпринять шаги;
to remedy the trouble  -   исправить повреждение;
in case of emergency   -  в случае чрезвычайной необходимости;
mechanical power transmission means  -   механические средства передачи мощности;
tо fall in step with  -   совпадать, попасть в такт с….

Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.
1)    Flexible couplings should be aligned as accurately as possible because although they will absorb the shock caused by eccentric loading, impulses will be transmitted to the shafts and will cause vibration.
2)    Mechanical power transmission means are often the cause of vibration.
3)    Gears, which are inaccurately cut, worn, or are not meshing properly will set up disturbing forces.
4)    If they fall in step with a resonant frequency of the machine, severe vibration will result.
5)    The bearing may be unaligned or pinched in the housing, or may be loose in the housing.

Задание 3
Ответьте письменно на вопросы.
1)    Does the wear on bearing cause vibration?
2)    Is it easy or difficult to locate the disbalance?
3)    Under what conditions should you immediately slow the turbine down?
4)    If the vibration does not cease at a lower speed what should you do?
5)    When rumbling is heard from the turbine what is the trouble due to?

Задание 4
Переведите с русского языка на английский.
1)    Аварийная ситуация возникает при попадании инородного предмета в корпус.
2)    Источником неполадок является возмущающие усилия возникающие в результате резкой вибрации.
3)    Чрезмерный износ двигателя может привести к аварийной ситуации.
4)    В случае чрезвычайной необходимости следует предпринять необходимые меры и исправить повреждения.
5)    Неправильная эксплуатация двигателя приводит к отсутствию баланса.

Задание 1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы.                                  
When starting under way the following procedure should be observed: close recirculating line when the load is sufficient to provide the necessary condensate for the air ejector condensers.
Open the proper combination of nozzles to obtain designed steam chest pressure and maximum economy. Close all drains. Control the lubricating oil system checking all bearing temperatures and pressures at least once every watch and record data. Check the location of the turbine rotors by means of the clearance indicators to determine wear in the thrust bearings. This should be done at least once a week while at sea.
When finished with the engine shut off the main steam stop valve and shut down the air ejectors, allowing the vacuum to break through the air ejector vents. Shut off the gland-sealing steam. Shut down the main circulating pump.
Open all turbine and manoeuvring drain valves. Keep the condenser pumps working until the turbine is thoroughly drained. Then shut down the pumps. To keep the turbine interiors dry, it is important that the air pumps or ejectors he run for about 1/2 hour every second day to draw fresh air through the turbine.
Connect the turning gear and roll the unit for about 2 hours. After the turning gear has been disconnected, shut down the lubricating pumps.
Words to be Learnt
to observe  -   соблюдать;
designed  -   зд. расчетный;
steam chest  -   парораспределительная коробка;
clearance indicator  -   индикатор зазора;
to draw (drew; drawn) through   -   зд. пропустить;
to roll the unit  -   крутить установку;
to disconnect   -  разобщать;
gear spray nozzle  -   маслоподающее сопло;
gear teeth  -   зубья шестерни
at least once every watch   -   по крайней мере один раз за вахту;
to break the vacuum through the air ejector vents  -   снять вакуум с помощью воздушных клапанов;
gland-sealing steam  -   пар уплотнений;
to keep the turbine interiors dry   -  сохранять внутреннюю часть турбины сухой;
when finished with the engine   -  когда машина остановлена;
to keep the pumps working   -  держать насосы а рабочем состоянии;
the load is sufficient  -   нагрузка достаточна;
to let the rotors come to rest  -   дать роторам установиться.

Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.
1)    Every day start the oil pump and force a fresh supply of clean oil through all bearings, and to the gear spray nozzles if gears are fitted.
2)    While the oil is being circulated, turn the turbine rotors through 1 1/2 revolutions of the propeller in order to oil all the gear teeth and to let the rotors come to rest in new position.
3)    The unit was working for 2 hours and the air ejector was running for about 1/2 hour.
4)    To observe requirements on storage of dangerous materials is difficult.
5)    Exhaust takes place axially into the main condenser, which is located immediately forward, and in the same plane, as the main turbine.

Задание 3
Ответьте письменно на вопросы.
1)    What procedures should be observed when under way?
2)    What should you do to obtain designed steam pressure?
3)    Should the bearing temperatures be controlled every watch? Why so?
4)    Can you enumerate all the procedures that should be observed when finished with the engine?
5)    Why should the air pumps or ejectors run every second day after stopping?
6)    When can you shut down the lubricating pumps?
7)    What procedures should be observed every day?
8)    Why should you turn the turbine rotors? Can you explain it?

Задание 4
Переведите с русского языка на английский.
1)    Чтобы записать данные необходимо снять показания с прибора.
2)    Когда машина остановлена, не обязательно держать насосы в рабочем состоянии.
3)    Когда нагрузка достаточна, прибор отключается автоматически.
4)    Внутреннюю часть турбины необходимо сохранять сухой, чтобы избежать аварийных ситуаций.
5)    В случае необходимости вакуум можно снять с помощью воздушных клапанов.

Задание 1
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, обращая внимание на перевод специальных терминов.
                                  PUMPING SYSTEMS
Marine pumping systems can be basically divided into two sections: the pumps which provide essential and non-essential services to the main engines, auxiliary plant and for domestic requirements, and the pumps which are required to handle the cargo carried by the ship. In this former case, all powered vessels must be fitted with some form of pumping system to cool and lubricate the main and auxiliary engines, to provide salt water for fire fighting services and fresh water for domestic use. As the size and complexity of the ships are, in general, rising and the engines becoming more powerful, the pumping systems must be capable of meeting these greater demands while being completely reliable and having a good maintenance rate. The types of pumps fitted in engine rooms handle either oil or water, with the latter type normally being a centrifugal unit while oil pumps tend to be rotary, screw or displacement pumps, i.e. bilge pump, where a large amount of foreign matter in the water may clog a centrifugal pump. On a stream turbine powered ship the highest capacity pump is normally the main condenser circulation pump and with the case of a scoop circulation cooling system, only one pump need to be fitted. Modern types of circulation pumps tend to be of an axial flow propeller type unit, which has a maximum rating of 32,000 m3/h at a head of 6.5 m. A feature of this type of pump is the relatively large capacity required at a small head. This pump is usually a vertical shaft unit mounted in the pipeline.

Задание 2
Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания
pumping systems
системы перекачивания
essential services
основные системы
domestic requirements
хозяйственные нужды
to handle cargo
обрабатывать груз
fire fighting services
противопожарные службы
to meet the demands
отвечать требованиям, потребностям
to be completely reliable
быть полностью надежным
maintenance rate
эксплуатационные показатели
rotary pump
ротационный насос
screw (single screw) pump
винтовой насос
displacement pump
объемный насос, вытесняющий
reciprocating pump
поршневой, плунжерный насос
bilge pump
осушительный трюмный насос
to clog a pump
засорить насос
centrifugal pump
центробежный насос
scoop system
заборная система
pump head
напор насоса
pump capacity
производительность насоса
propeller pump
осевой насос

Задание 3
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1)    Into what sections can marine pumping sections be divided?
2)    For what purpose must all powered vessels be fitted with some form of pumping system?
3)    What substances may the pumps fitted in engine rooms handle?
4)    What types of oil pumps can you name?
5)    Do the reciprocating pumps have some special duties?
6)    How many pumps have to be fitted in case of a scoop circulation cooling system?
7)    What type of unit modern circulation pumps tend to be? What is their maximum rating?
8)    What is the main feature of the circulation pump?

Задание 4
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык
1)    All powered vessels must be fitted with some form of pumping system to cool and lubricate the main and auxiliary engines.
2)    The pumping systems must be capable of meeting these greater demands while being completely reliable and having a good maintenance rate.
3)       The types of pumps fitted in the engine rooms handle either oil or water.
4)       Some reciprocating pumps are still fitted for special duties, i.e. bilge pump, where a large amount of foreign matter in the water may clog a centrifugal pump.
5)       Modern types of circulation pumps tend to be of an axial propeller type unit, which has a maximum rating of 32,000 m3/h at a head of 6.5 m

Задание 5
Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.
1)    Все морские системы перекачивания состоят из насосов, которые обеспечивают работу основных двигателей, вспомогательных установок, а также насосов, которые требуются для обработки груза, перевозимого судном.
2)    Насосы, перекачивающие воду, обычно бывают центробежного типа, в то время, как насосы, перекачивающие нефть, могут быть ротационными, винтовыми или плунжерными.
3)    Иногда необходимо установить осушительный трюмный насос, так как большое количество инородных тел в воде может привести к засорению центробежного насоса.
4)    Для обеспечения нормальной работы заборной системы необходим только один насос с достаточным напором и производительностью.
5)    Одним из типов современных циркуляционных насосов является осевой насос, основной характеристикой которого является относительно высокая производительность при малом напоре.

                                              ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 7
Задание 1
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, обращая внимание на перевод специальных терминов.
         The most common type of pump to be found in engine room of both stream turbine and Diesel engine powered vessels is the centrifugal unit designed to handle either salt water of fresh water. The vertical shaft unit consists of a one –impeller centrifugal pump and of an electric motor connected to it through rigid coupling. The motor is connected to the pump by means of connecting brackets.
         Pump casing. The pump consists of a vertically split casing, or volute, the two halves of which are connected to by means of studs. The stationary part is fitted with the suction and discharge nozzles to prevent disturbing pipe connections during disassembly and reassembly of the pump. On the top side, the pump-driver connecting bracket is flanged and secured by means of studs. The electric motor is located on the bracket. Where the shaft passes through the pump casing, this forms a stuffing box fitted with packings. These packings are not to be pressed too tight by the packing gland so as to allow a few drops of liquid to seep through as this is a good sign of a satisfactory lubrication. On the bottom side the pump casing is closed by the small cover.
         Shaft. The shaft is connected to the motor by means of rigid coupling. Impeller is keyed onto the shaft by means of shaft key. Two top and one bottom bushings complete the lining of the shaft which remains thus protected against the liquid handled. The entire rotating system is locked by the cap nut secured by the screw. The rubber ring gasket prevents liquid from seeping out of the pump and air from entering along the shaft line. Collars have been worked out on the sides of the impeller. Seal rings adhere on these collars with very slight clearance and without rubbing.
         Lubrication. Packings are lubricated by means of the liquid handled flowing from the discharge chamber of the pump through an internal hole. The guide bushing is lubricated through grease lubricator.
         Rigid coupling. The rigid coupling of a sleeve keyed on to the motor shaft end and by the top of the pump, sleeve-shaped pump top shaft, rigidly connected together by means of bolts.

Задание 2
Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:
vertical shaft unit
вертикальный агрегат
кронштейн, фонарь
discharge nozzle
выходное сопло
to disturb
to flange
отбортовывать, загибать кромку
to secure
крепить, закреплять
stuffing box
уплотнительная коробка
packing glands
нажимная втулка
to seep
to key
закрепить шпонкой
to lock
запирать, закрывать
буртик, кольцо, фланец
трение, касание
консистентная смазка
inlet nozzle
впускное, приемное сопло

Задание 3
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1)    What is the most often used type of pumps in the ships?
2)    Where are the pumps to be found?
3)    What is the function of the pumps?
4)    What does the pump consist of?
5)    What are the means by which the two valves are connected?
6)    What is the stationary plant fitted with?
7)    Where is a stuffing box with packings formed?
8)    How should these packings be pressed?
9)    Is it good when liquid seeps through the packings?
10) Is impeller keyed onto the shaft?

Задание 4
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1)    The vertical shaft unit consists of a pump and an electric motor connected to it through the rigid coupling.
2)    The impeller is keyed onto the shaft by means of a key, and the shaft is connected to the motor by means of a rigid coupling.
3)    The stationary part is fitted with the suction and discharged nozzles to prevent disturbing pipe connections during disassembly and reassembly of a pump.
4)    The guide bushing is lubricated through the grease lubricator and the packings are lubricated by means of the liquid handled.
5)    Seal rings adhere on the collars with very slight clearance

Задание 5
Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.
1)    Самый распространенный тип насоса, находящегося в машинном отделении – это центробежный насос, спроектированный для подачи пресной и морской воды.
2)    Корпус насоса снизу закрывается крышкой, а половинки разъемного корпуса насоса крепятся болтами.
3)    Набивки в уплотнительной коробке не должны быть сдавлены нажимной втулкой слишком плотно, чтобы несколько капель жидкости могли просачиваться через уплотнение.
4) Крылатка насаживается на вал и фиксируется шпонкой, а вал соединяется с двигателем с помощью жесткой муфты.
5) Жесткая муфта состоит из втулки, закрепленной шпонкой с концом вала мотора и верхним концом насоса.

                                                 ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 8

Задание 1
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, обращая внимание на перевод специальных терминов.
A centralized freshwater cooling system is fitted on board, using plate-type heat exchangers/ The low-temperature section covers the main engine and auxiliary engine’s compressors, intercoolers and lube oil coolers. Fresh water for these systems is supplied at a constant 35’C through an electronic control valve, while another valve supplies the high-temperature division – the main engine cylinders, fresh water generator, and injector nozzle cooling heat exchangers. The seawater side of the two plate-type heat exchangers is controlled manually.
There are fuel and lubricating oil treatment systems. The former uses two units, and fuel from the day tank is delivered via a mixing pipe to transfer pumps which in turn deliver it via a final heater and filter to the main engine. Constant viscosity is ensured by a measuring and control system. Fresh water is generated by an Atlas AFGU 31 unit with a capacity of 14 ton/day; it works in conjunction with a water softener and a sterilizing unit, while dirty water and sewage is handled by a chemical plant.
Boiler feed pump. The pump type unique to a steam turbine vessel is the boiler feed pump which suffers a particularly arduous duty, for although the throughput of the pump may not be large, the discharge pressure is normally required to be at least 1000 lbs/in2 i.e. the four Warren feed pumps fitted to Sea-Land McLean are each rated at 980 gall/min at a discharge pressure of 125 lbs/in2. One of the most widely used feed pumps is manufactured by the FMC Corp under the name of Coffin. This unit is a steam turbine powered two-stage centrifugal pump mounted on a common base. The turbine comprises a single stage, velocity compounded axial flow turbine which operates at 8500 rev/min, with sealing achieved by means of a labyrinth type gland.

Задание 2
Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:
Freshwater cooling system
Система охлаждения пресной воды
heat exchanger
to cover
промежуточный охладитель
lube oil (lubricating)
смазочное масло
c. p. propeller (controllable pitch propeller)
винт регулируемого шага
injector nozzle
сопло форсунка
treatment system
система обработки
day tank
расходный танк
mixing pipe
смесительная цистерна
dirty water
хозяйственная вода
constant viscosity
постоянная вязкость
in conjunction with
в сочетании с
unique to a vessel
единственный для судна

boiler feed pump
котельный питательный насос

to suffer

arduous duty
трудная работа

throughput of the pump
производительность насоса

discharge pressure
выходное давление

pump mounted on a common base
насос, смонтированный на общем основании 

velocity compounded
смешанная скорость

labyrinth type gland
лабиринтовое уплотнение

Задание 3
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1) What system is fitted on board of the ship?
2)    Enumerate all the devices that the low temperature section of the system covers.
3)    At what temperature is the fresh water for these systems supplied?
4)    How many units does fuel oil treatment system use?
5)    What is the capacity, rate of four pumps described?
6)    What is the duty of the boiler pump?
7)    Is the unit a two-stage centrifugal pump?
8)    At what number of revolutions does the turbine operate?
9)    What type of sealing is used in turbine?

Задание 4
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1) The low-temperature section covers the main engines and auxiliary engine’s compressors, intercoolers and lube oil coolers, the control room and accommodation air conditioning and c. p. propeller oil coolers.
2) The seawater side of the two plate-type heat exchanger is controlled manually.
3) The constant viscosity is ensured by a measuring and control system.
4) The boiler feed pump suffers a particularly arduous duty although the throughput of the pump may not be large.
5) This unit is a steam turbine powered two-stage centrifugal pump mounted on a common base.

Задание 5
Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.
1)    Централизованная система охлаждения пресной водой устанавливается на борту судна с помощью пластичных теплообменников.
2)    Пресная вода для этой системы подаётся при постоянной температуре через электрический клапан, а другой клапан обеспечивает подачу при высокой температуре.
3)    Система обработки использует расходный танк и смесительную цистерну, с помощью которых топливо подаётся в насосы.
4)    Этот агрегат – это двухступенчатый центробежный насос, смонтированный на общем основании.
5)      Котельный питательный насос выполняет особенно трудную работу, причём требуемое выходное давление должно быть по крайней мере 1000 галлонов в минуту.
ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 9                           
Задание 1
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, обращая внимание на перевод специальных терминов.  
An unusual and flexible propulsion machinery arrangement has been specified for this class of chemical tankers. To provide a trials speed of 16 knots, three Fiat medium-speed main engines are installed and are arranged to drive through a Lohmann and Stolterfoht reduction gear to a four-bladed, 4300 mm diameter, Kameva c. p. propeller which turns at 160 rev/min. A Fiat B3012SS 12-cylinder, vee-type, four-stroke engine developing 3000 bhp at 500 rev/min is arranged at the aft end of  the gearbox while\two smaller Fiat B306SS engines of 1500 bhp at 500 rev/min, are arranged forward of the gearbox. The larger main engine is mounted on a platform at a higher level than the two smaller engines, with the propeller shaft running beneath this engine but on the same centre height as the smaller units. Each engine is connected to the respective gearbox input shaft through a Pneumaflex elastic clutch coupling, while mounted at the forward end of the gearbox is the Kamewa oil distribution box. The two smaller propulsion engines are also arranged to act as auxiliary machines by the provision of a power-take-off shaft at the forward end of both. Each engine drives a 330 kVA, 380 volt, 50 cycles NEBB alternator and, at the forward end of each alternator, a Frank Mohn reduction gear unit which is in turn connected to four hydraulic pressure pumps. Between the forward main engines and alternator, and between the alternator and gear unit are fitted 1 Lohmann and 4 Stolterfoht Spirofiex couplings. For engagement of the hydraulic pumps, friction clutches are built into the power-take-off gears, with the four pumps arranged to operate at 1600 rev/min. Each power-take-off gearbox is provided with its own separate lubrication system and only one pumping unit (four pumps) can be in use at any time.

Задание 2
Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания.
поступательное движение, двигатель
наливное судно, танкер
устройство, приспособление
main engine
главный двигатель
привод, сцепление
reduction gear
крыло, лопасть
винт, воздушный гребной винт
клиновидная форма
auxiliary engine
вспомогательный двигатель
pressure pump
насос высокого давления
lubrication system
система смазки
трение, фрикционный
to mount
корма, задний
коробка передач
сцепление, муфта
соединение, муфта
распространение, распределение
генератор переменного тока
c. p. propeller
винт регулируемого шага

Задание 3
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1)What kind of machinery arrangement has been specified for that class of chemical tankers?
2) What type of the engines are installed there?
3) What are the characteristics of the Fiat engine?
4) How do the main and smaller engines operate?
5) What is connected to the hydraulic pressure pumps?
6) Between what units are Lohmann and Stolterfoht couplings fitted?
7) For what purpose are the clutches built into the gears?
8) What is the power-take-off gearbox provided with?

Задание 4
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1) Each engine is connected to the respective gearbox input shaft through a Pneumaflex elastic clutch coupling.
2) Three fiat medium-speed main engines are installed and are arranged to drive through a Lohmann and Stolterfoht reduction gear to a four-bladed, 4300 mm diameter c. p. propeller.
3) The propeller shaft is running beneath this engine but on the same centre height as the smaller units.
4) Between the forward main engines and alternator, and between the alternator and the gear unit 1 Lohmann and 4 Stolterfoht Spirofiex couplings are fitted.
5) A fiat 12-cylinder, vee-type, four-stroke engine developing 3000 bhp at 500 rev/min is arranged at the aft end of the gearbox.
Задание 5
Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.
1) Необычная комбинация установок главных и вспомогательных механизмов была предложена для этого типа танкеров.
2) Два меньших двигателя расположены так, чтобы действовать в качестве вспомогательных установок, на переднем конце каждого из них имеется вал, снижающий мощность.
3) Каждая из коробок передач для снижения мощности оснащена отдельной системой смазки, и только одна качающая установка (из 4 насосов) может быть использована в любое время.
4) Один 4-ёхтактный двигатель установлен на заднем конце коробки передач, а два малых двигателя располагаются на её переднем конце.
5) Для зацепления гидравлических насосов фрикционные муфты встроены в приводы, снижающие мощность, с 4 насосами, работающие на 1600 оборотах в минуту.

                                                ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 10
Задание 1
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, обращая внимание на специальные термины.
The main engine installed in the “Al Kabeer” is a Deutz SBV8M540 four-stroke unit developing 4000 bhp at 600 rev/min and coupled to a fixed-pitch propeller arranged in a Kort steering nozzle, through a Modern Wheel Drive reverse/reduction gearbox. To further aid maneuvering a Stone Manganese Manne bow thruster which is hydraulically-operated and rated at 230 hp, is provided. The machinery space is designed to be continuously manned and no control room has been provided, through the engine and gearbox movements are controlled from the bridge. Two large and two smaller auxiliary diesel engine sets are provided. The two smaller units each comprise a Deutz FLM716 machine developing 158 bhp at 1800 rev/min and flexibly-coupled to a 105 kW, 440 volt, 50 cycle alternator while the larger auxiliary sets are each driven by a 232-bhp Deutz BF6M716 diesel engine. The starboard side larger unit of the above  is coupled at the aft end to a two-stage Merryweather fire pump of 91001/min capacity and, at the forward end, a 105 kW alternator. A similarly rated fire pump is coupled to the port side principal auxiliary engine set though in this case the alternator has been substituted by a hydraulic pump, driven from the forward end, for the bow thruster. Other items of auxiliary machinery fitted include Hamworthy auxiliary pumps and air compressors, Serck heat exchangers, and a Victor oily water separator, rated at 2 ton/h. The Al Kabeer – is the twelfth tug to be built by Richard Dunston for Gray Mackenzie and, as well as being the largest delivered by this builder, it is probably one of the most versatile, with its capability for pushing, towing, fire fighting, salvage, and dealing with oil spills – essential characteristics for mammoth tanker handling tugs.

Задание 2
Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:
двигатель, гребной винт
спаренный, сцеплённый
неподвижный, закреплённый
Fixed-pitch propeller
винт фиксированного шага
коробка передач
помощь, вспомогательное средство
носовая часть судна
to arrange
Fire pump
пожарный насос
толкатель, стартовый ускоритель, подрулиливающее уст-во
to maneuver
маневрировать, управлять
to man
с ручным управлением
цикл, период, кругооборот
генератор переменного тока
Auxiliary sets
вспомогательные установки
правый борт
Port side
левый борт
корма, сзади
Air compressor
пульверизатор, воздушный компрессор
Heat exchanger
to spill

Задание 3
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1)    What are the performances of the main engine installed in the “AL KABEER”?
2) What is provided for the further aid maneuvering?
3) What are the principles of machinery space design?
4) Where from are the engine and gearbox controlled?
5) How many engine sets are provided?
6) To what engine is the fire pump coupled?
7) What are the other items of auxiliary machinery?
8) What is All-Kabeer capable for?
9) What do the two smaller units comprise?

Задание 4
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1)    The main engine is coupled to a fixed-pitch propeller arranged in a steering nozzle a reverse/reduction gearbox.
2)    A bow thruster is hydraulically – operated and rated at 230 hp, it is provided to further aid maneuvering.
3)    The starboard side larger unit is coupled at the aft end to a fire-pump and at the forward end, a 105 kW alternator.
4)    Two large and two smaller auxiliary diesel engine sets are provided in “Al Kabeer”.
5) The “Al-Kabeer” is probably one of the most versatile tugs, with its capacity for pushing, towing, fire fighting, salvage and dealing with oil spills.

Задание 5
Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.
1)    Помещение машинного отделения сконструировано таким образом, что его можно постоянно укомплектовывать, не требуется отдельного помещения для контроля, а работа двигателя и коробки передач контролируются с мостика.
2)    Два малых вспомогательных двигателя включают машину, работающую с эффективной мощностью 158 при 1800 оборотах в минуту, и гибко встроенный генератор переменного тока.
3)    Большие вспомогательные установки включают два дизельных двигателя типа BF6M716 с рабочей мощностью 232.
4)    Пожарный насос, установленный таким же образом, соединяется с левым главным вспомогательным двигателем, хотя в данном случае генератор переменного тока заменяется гидравлическим насосом.
5)    Другие виды вспомогательных механизмов включают вспомогательные насосы, воздушные компрессоры, теплообменники и сепаратор воды и нефти.


Задание 1
Переведите текст.            
The Doxford J. Engine is of the two-stroke, single acting, opposed piston type, which means that each pair of pistons makes one working stroke each complete revolution of the crankshaft.
Each cylinder unit contains two pistons, which reciprocate about a central combustion space into which fuel is injected. The pistons of each cylinder are connected to a three-throw section of the crankshaft, the lower piston being coupled to the centre throw by a single connecting rod. Each pair of side cranks connected to the upper piston by two connecting rods, crossheads and side rods.
As the pistons move towards each other, air is compressed in the cylinder and shortly before reaching the point of minimum volume between the pistons (inner dead centre) fuel at high pressure is injected through the injector nozzles in an atomized condition into the combustion space. Due to compression the air contained in the combustion space at the point of injection is at an extremely high temperature, causing the fuel to ignite. During the first part of combustion of the fuel the pressure in the cylinder continues to rise until a maximum value is reached soon after the pistons begin to move apart. After combustion of the fuel in the cylinder is completed, the hot gases continue to expand, thereby forcing the pistons apart until the exhaust ports in the upper liner are uncovered by the upper piston. As the exhaust ports open the hot gases in the cylinder, now at a reduced pressure, are discharged to the turbine of the turbochargers, so causing the pressure in the cylinder to drop to a level just below that of the scavenge air. At this point the air inlet ports in the lower liner are uncovered by the lower piston, so allowing air under pressure, which is delivered to the scavenge space by the turbocharger, to flow through the cylinder expelling the remaining burnt gases.
During the inward compression stroke of the pistons the air inlet ports are closed just before the exhaust ports. The air in the cylinder is then compressed and the cycle repeated.
Words to be Learnt
opposed-piston engine           - двигатель, с противоположно-движущимися расходящимися поршнями
crankshaft                              -  коленчатый вал
lower piston                           - нижний поршень
couple                                     - прикреплять, присоединять
connecting rod                       - шатун
side cranks                             - боковой кривошип
cross head                              - крейцкопф, ползун, головка поршневого стержня
side rods                                 - боковой стержень (рычаг, тяга)
injector nozzle                        - впрыскивающее сопло, форсунка
force                                       - заставлять, вынуждать
exhaust parts                          - выпускное отверстие, выхлопное окно
upper liner                              - верхняя подкрепительная планка, втулка
scavenge space                       - продувочное пространство
compression stroke                 - ход сжатия (в двигателе)

Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского на русский:
1)    The main bearings are of large diameter and relatively short length, the side webs of the three throw crank elements being incorporated into the main journals.
2)    In the fully built design the centre webs are made from forged steel slabs which are shrunk on the centre pin in the semi-built crankshaft the centre throw is a steel casting.
3)    The bedplate is designed as a rigid structure, by using a double wall design for the longitudinal box section girder as well as for the cross members which retain the main bearing housing in the deep bed-plate, all the spherical bearings have therefore been removed.
4)    Fitted into the supply of the centre crosshead is a special type of valve which permits full flow of oil when the crosshead is approaching the outer dead centre position but increases the pressure of oil tenfold when the piston approaches inner dead centre, thus ensuring a liberal supply of high pressure oil to the centre crosshead bearings.
5)    The upper pistons are water cooled by means of telescopic pipes and the jacket water and the upper piston cooling system has been designed to ensure that cooling water will not leak in the cylinder or entablature.
6)    The fuel system is the common rail type, having a multi-ram pump feeding a common manifold at high pressure, excess fuel is spilled back to a buffer tank by means of a special fuel spill valve.

Задание 3
Ответьте на вопросы:
1)    What does each cylinder unit of Doxford J. Engine contain?
2)    How are the pistons of each cylinder, connected to the crankshaft and by what means?
3)    When is the fuel injected through the injector nozzles?
4)    What causes the fuel to ignite?
5)    What happens after combustion of the fuel, in the cylinder is completed?
6)    When are the air inlet ports in the lower liner uncovered?
7)    What causes the pressure in the cylinder to drop to a level just below that of the scavenge air?
8)    When are the air inlet ports closed?
9)    When is the cycle repeated?
10)What type of engine is the Doxford?

Задание 4
Переведите с русского на английский:
1)          При приближении поршня к внутреннему центу происходит сжатие в одной камере и расширение в другой.
2)          В крышке цилиндра расположена форсунка, которая предназначена для распыления топлива.
3)          Автоматический регулятор предназначен для контроля за частотой вращения коленчатого вала двигателя.
4)          Топливная система состоит из топливного насоса высокого давления, топливных трубопроводов и расходной цистерны.
5)          Перед использованием, тяжелое топливо подогревается с помощью парового змеевика, расположенного в днище топливного бака.

Задание 5
Перескажите текст.


Задание 1.
Переведите текст.               SULZER
The latest type of slow running crosshead engine designed by Sulzer has been given the designation RND. This design is a direct result of experience gained from the RD type. The cylinder bores available for the RND type are 68, 76, 90 and 105cm. The engine is a two stroke single acting reversible marine oil engine capable of burning all grades of fuel oil from gas oil to boiler fuel.
The turbo-charging system is of the constant pressure type which dispenses with the rotary exhaust valve and drive required for the pulse exhaust system of the RD type engine.
The design of the bedplate, columns and cylinder block has, in common with other engine designs, been aimed at rigidity to ensure that the internal forces and movements produce low stress and the minimum of deformation.
The fabricated double wall design of the deep bedplate and the longitudinal box section girders have been retained. The cross members which retain the main bearings are made from forged or cast steel. This centre piece
replaces the previous unit of welded design and eliminates the welded seams in the zone of maximum stress. The main bearings are made of white metal lined steel bearing shells which are interchangeable and can be dismantled from the engine using special equipment by rotating the crankshaft.
The crankshafts are made from forged steel and are of the semi-built type. The webs of the RND 105 being designed in such a way, that the rotating masses are partially balanced. On the RND 90 crankshaft provision is made for attaching balance weights whereas the smaller engines do not require any counterweights. A separate shaft is provided to accommodate the thrust bearing.
Each cylinder has its own cast iron cylinder block and these are bolted together to form a rigid longitudinal girder. Special attention has been given to the forces from the cylinder cover bolts with the result that the cylinder blocks, column and bedplate are placed under compressive stress by long tie bolts to overcome this force flux. The cylinder blocks are fresh water cooled, the inlet being as low as practicable and the outlet in the cylinder head.
Words to be Learnt
gain                                        - преимущество
cylinder bore                          - диаметр цилиндра в свету
reversible                                - реверсивный, имеющий передний и задний ход
dispense with                         - обходится без (чего-либо)
rotary exhaust valve               - вращающийся золотник выхлопа
pulse exhaust system              - импульсная система
seam                                       - шов, паз
longitudinal box section girder - продольное коробчато-балочное соединение
semi-built type                       - полувстроенного типа
counterweight                        - противовес
rigid                                        - жесткий, негнущийся
long tie bolts                          - длинные крепежные болты
force flux                               - силовой поток

Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского на русский:
1)    The one-piece liner is made from a special cast iron and has cooling holes drilled in way of the combustion chamber at an angle to the liner axis, thus enabling cooling water to be led to within about 30mm of the running surface.
2)    The running surfaces of the cylinder liner are lubricated through a number of quills. Grooves cut in the running surface help to distribute oil over the bore.
3)    The engine is fitted with a Woodward governor which controls engine speed by acting on the fuel pump. A torque limiting devices at switch alarm are fitted to prevent overloading.
4)    The lubricating oil system has one common source of supply for low and medium pressure systems.
5)    The pistons are water cooled by means of telescopic or trombone pipes which are separated from the crankcase by means of a special water-tight bulkhead.
6)    The piston cooling system has been designed to ensure that cooling water will not leak into the scavenge space and so mix with combustion residues.

Задание 3
Ответьте на вопросы:
1)    What fuel is Sulzer engine capable to burn?
2)    What type is turbo-charging system?
3)    What is the function of the bedplate, columns and cylinder block?
4)    What material are the cross members which retain the main bearings made of?
5)    How can the main bearings be dismantled from the engine? Are they interchangeable?
6) How are the webs of the RND 103 designed?
7)    What is the crankshaft of the RND 90 made for?
8)    What is the function of separate shaft?
9)    What formes a rigid longitudinal girder?
10)           Why are the cylinder blocks, column and bedplate placed under compressive stress by long tie bolts?

Задание 4
Переведите с русского на английский:
1)          Двухтактный двигатель может работать на тяжелых видах топлива.
2)          Подача топлива производится форсункой, размещенной в крышке цилиндра.
3)          Тщательное смешивание топлива и воздуха происходит в камере сгорания.
4)          При движении поршня вверх происходит сжатие смеси и при определенном давлении и температуре топливо самовоспламеняется.
5)          Выхлопные окна расположены в нижней части цилиндра и служат для удаления выхлопных газов с помощью продувочного воздуха.

Задание 5
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                                                 ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 13
Задание 1
Переведите текст.
The latest type of diesel engine produced to the B & W design for marine propulsion is single acting, two stroke crosshead, single piston type with the scavenge air supplied by exhaust gas driven turbochargers.  
The bedplate and 'A' frame are of fabricated welded steel design, and the bedplate is secured to the tank top by substantial foundation bolts, transverse plate is absorbed by side chock bolts and fore and aft movement by end chock bolts. The main bearings for the crankshaft are incorporated into the bedplate cross girders, and consist of tripartite shells. A separate thrust fitted to the aft end of the crankshaft absorbs the thrust from the propeller.
Bedplate, frames, scavenge air box and cooling jackets are tightened together by means of long tie bolts, the lower nuts bearing on the bedplate transverse girders, the upper nuts are tightened against the outside of the cooling jackets by means of hydraulic tools.
The camshaft for the exhaust valve, actuating gear, fuel pumps, governor, starting air distributor and cylinder lubricators is chain driven. The chain drive consists of two identical roller chains driven from wheels bolted to the crankshaft and over a chain wheel connected to the reversing mechanism.
The operation of the exhaust valves, is controlled by cams, which are shrunk onto the camshaft. Each cam acts on a roller follower which activates a hydraulic system which in turn operates the exhaust valve at the predetermined moment in the engine cycle.
Each cylinder is fitted into a heavy cooling jacket and all jackets in each cylinder group are bolted together to form a rigid unit. The liner which is made of special cast iron extends down into the scavenging air receiver and the scavenge ports are so placed that they are uncovered when the piston is at outer dead centre.

Words to be Learnt
bedplate                                 - фундаментная плита
tank top                                  - настил внутреннего дна, крышка цистерны
side chock                              - бортовая киповая планка
bedplate cross girders            - поперечная балка машинного фундамента
propulsion                              - двигатель, двигатели
crosshead                               - крейцкопф, головка поршня, головка шатуна
cross head engine                   - двигатель с крейцкопфом
scavenging air                        - продувочный воздух
transverse                               - поперечный
main bearing                           - рамовый подшипник, коренной подшипник
Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского на русский
1)    Cooling water is used from the cylinder liner, cylinder cover and turbochargers.
2)    The piston is cooled with oil supplied from the engine pressure oil system, the oil being fed to the piston by means of a telescopic pipe, bracket, and then through the crosshead to an annual space around an oil discharge pipe which is fitted inside the piston rod.
3)    From the piston head the oil passes through passages to the internal pipe and from there they are piped to the observation glasses in the crankcase doors.
4)    During normal running, i.e. Bridge Control or Engine Room Control, all maneuvering of the engine is effected through the pneumatically controlled governor, whose terminal shaft controls a regulating amplifier which is connected to the speed control shaft.
5)    In the event of the pneumatic system failing the manual emergency system is brought into action.
6)The starting air system is designed for 30 Kp/cm2 and the control air system for 7 Kp/cm2.

Задание 3
Ответьте на вопросы:
1)    What characteristics has the latest type of diesel engine produced to the Burmeister & Wain?
2)    By what is the bedplate secured to the tank top?
3)    What do the main bearings consist of?
4)    What is the function of a separate thrust?
5)    What does the chain drive consist of?
6)   How does each cam act?
6)    Why are cooling jackets tightened together? By what are they tightened?
7)    What is the liner made of?
8)    How are the scavenge ports placed?
9)How is the scavenging air receiver located?  

Задание 4
Переведите с русского на английский:
1)          Обычно станина изготавливается из стального каркаса и крепится массивными болтами.
2)          Цель управления состоит из регулирования частоты вращения коленчатого вала двигателя с помощью топливной рейки.
3)          Для охлаждения цилиндра используется пресная вода, которая поступает из расположенного выше двигателя распределительного бачка.
4)          Кулаки, которые расположены на распределительном вале, управляют действием выхлопных клапанов.
5)          Главные подшипники для коленчатого вала расположены в пастелях фундаментной рамы.

Задание 5
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Задание 1
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The large slow speed engines of GMT (Fiat) design operate on single acting 2-stroke cycle and are arranged for mechanical fuel injection and supercharging is by exhaust gas turbochargers. The engines are designed for continuous operation, maneuvering and starting on heavy fuel.
The main engine structure is in 3 parts, the bedplate, 'A' frames and cylinder blocks, all being held in compression by long through tie bolts which overcome the stresses created by the firing loads.
The bedplate is a fabricated steel construction with the athwartship cast steel bearing housing welded into the two longitudinal steel girders. The base of the bedplate is closed by a sump which collects the lubricating oil.
The bottom half of the crankshaft journal bearings are made from steel shells lined with a high tin content white metal, whilst the bearing keep is of cast steel also white metal lined. The main bearing keeps are retained in position by strong struts which incorporate a built-in hydraulic jacking device acting against the 'A' frame. The bearing shells are so designed that they can be removed for maintenance purposes without disturbing the crankshaft.
The columns are of fabricated steel, rigidly constructed to form the main engine framework. They are joined together at the top by the crosshead guides and the casting which carries the diaphragm glands, and at the bottom by longitudinal beams. The space between the bottom of the cylinder and the diaphragm gland is open to the atmosphere and thus will give an instantaneous indication of gas or flame blow-by and therefore the risk of fire or crankcase explosion is reduced. Cooling water leakages are also easily detected and separated from the crankcase.
The main cylinder liners are of special cast iron with the scavenge air inlet ports on one side and the exhaust gas ports on the opposite side. This scavenging system uses no mechanical parts and therefore has no exhaust valves.

Words to be Learnt
crankshaft bearing                  - рамовый подшипник
crankshaft journal                  - шейка коленчатого вала
cylinder block                        - блок цилиндров
framework                              - остов, каркас, решетчатая  ферма
diaphragm gland                    - уплотнительная мембрана
longitudinal beam                  - продольная балка
scavenging system                 - продувочное устройство

Задание 2
Переведите предложения с английского на русский:
1)    The cylinder liner design is in two parts, the upper portion has a cast steel external envelope which acts as a strong back during the combustion process, the lower section contains the scavenge and exhaust ports and is connected to the upper envelope by stud bolts, the liner is free to expand downward, the running surface is lubricated by means of the usual quills.
2)    The crankshaft is of the semi-built type with the cast steel throws shrunk-on to the forged steel pins. The thrust block forms an integral part of the engine with the shaft bolted directly to the crankshaft.
3)    The pistons for the large powered engine are cooled by water by means of chrome plated telescopic pipes which operate on glands designed to eliminate pollution of the crankcase.
4)    The scavenging process is a two stage operation, the first stage is carried out by the exhaust gas driven turbochargers and from there the gas is passed to engine driven reciprocating air pumps where it is compressed and passed into the scavenge air receiver.
5)    Cooling of the air takes place after each stage with the whole system being under constant pressure.

Ответьте на вопросы:
1) How do the large slow speed engines of GMT design operate?
2) For what are the engines designed?
3) What parts is the main engine structure divided into? Describe them.
7)    What is the bedplate made of?
8)    Where is the sump located? What is it used for?
9)    What material is used for the bottom half of the crank shaft journal bearings?
10)     What is the function of strong struts?
11)     How are the bearing shells designed?
12)     What construction forms the main engine framework? What material are they made of?
13)     Why is the space between the bottom of the cylinder and the diaphragm open to the atmosphere?

Задание 4
Переведите с русского на английский:
1)    Тихоходные двигатели предназначены для продолжительной работы на тяжелом топливе.
2)    Станина является одной из основных частей двигателя представляет собой цельную стальную конструкцию.
3)    Коленчатый вал представляет собой цельную сваренную конструкцию.
4)    Главные подшипники установлены по краям коленчатого вала.
5)    Между основанием цилиндра и диафрагмой находится уплотнение, не позволяющее выхлопным газам  проникать под цилиндр.

Задание 5
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                                               ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАБОТА № 15
Задание 1
Переведите текст.    
M. A. N.
The latest large bore two stroke M.A.N. engine is the KSZ 90/160B series in cylinder numbers from 6 to 12 and developing 2700 K.W. 3672 H.P./cyl. The engine operates at 122 rev/min. with an M.E.P. of 13 bar and a mean piston speed of 6.5 m/sec.
The bedplate is of fabricated design and consists of two I-Shaped longitudinal girders with transverse members into which the cast steel bearing housings are welded. The thrust bearing casing is incorporated into the bedplate.
Columns as such have been replaced by frames constructed of box shaped longitudinal girders. The fabricated top and bottom sections run the full length of the engine and are mounted on the bedplate. Such an engine frame helps to stiffen the engine and so protect the bearings from the deformation forces transmitted via the ship's double bottom. The cast iron guide-ways for the crosshead are attached to the top section and seal off the crankcase.
The cylinder jackets are individual castings bolted together to form one continuous member. The one piece cylinder liners are fitted into the jackets from the top and a cast steel strong back is fitted in way of the combustion space to help absorb gas forces. The scavenge process is the M.A.N. loop system and the scavenge, and exhaust ports are arranged in two tiers and are carried far around the liner. The vertical lands between the ports are cooled by water passing through cast in tubes and thence to passages arranged around the liner above the exhaust ports.
Each cylinder cover is in two parts, the lower section is of special thin walled forged steel permitting the area in way of the combustion gases to be intensively cooled whilst absorbing thermal stresses and this is held in position by an upper supporting unit of cast iron, which transmits the gas forces to the cylinder jackets via long studs. The joint face between the cylinder cover and the liner is arranged as far away from the combustion process as possible. The gas loads on the engine structure are constrained by means of hydraulically preloaded tie rods which connect the bedplate, frame sections and cylinder jackets into a single unit.
The crankshaft is of the semi built type, with the journal being shrunk into the forged or cast steel crank throws. With the exception of the six cylinder engine, it is in two parts joined by fitted bolts. The coupling flange for attachment to the propeller shaft also accommodates the turning gear and is integrally forged with the crankshaft. The aft end section also incorporates a thrust collar. The drive for the camshaft gear train is taken from a spur gear which for a six cylinder engine is at the coupling end and for 7 to 12 cylinder engines the drive is located in the middle of the engine.

Words to be Learnt
longitudinal girders                - продольная балка
thrust bearing                         - упорный подшипник
engine frame                          - машинная рама
stiffer                                     - жестко укреплять
via                                          - через, с заходом в …
crosshead                               - крейцкопф, ползун
guide-way                              - направляющая для  крейцкопфа
seal                                         - уплотнение, сальник, изоляция, запайка
cylinder jacket                        - рубашка цилиндра
scavenge process                    - процесс продувки
liner                                        - подкрепительная планка,  втулка
passage                                   - проход
whilst                                     - в то время как
stud                                        - контрфорс, шип
vertical lands                          - вертикальная плоскость

Задание 2
Переведите с английского на русский:
1)    The piston crown is of forged steel and is designed for intensive cooling, the central supporting body is of cast steel and is mainly subjected to compressive stresses. A single piece piston skirt guides the piston in the cylinder liner.
2)    The crosshead pin bearings are white metal lined shells lubricated by means of high pressure pumps. The piston forces are transmitted over the entire length of the crosshead pin.
3)    The principle of hydrostatic lubrication has been applied to the crosshead using high pressure lubricators.
4)    Scavenging of the cylinder liner is on the loop scavenge system and constant pressure of the exhaust gas is used to drive the turbochargers.
5)    During running up and in the lower partial load range the turbochargers are assisted by electrically driven auxiliary blowers connected before the compressors of the main blowers.
6)    Diffusers are fitted in the exhaust system and facilitates charge removal and scavenging in each cylinder.

Задание 3
Ответьте на вопросы:
1)    What is the characteristic features of M.A.N. engine's bedplate?
2)    Where are top and bottom sectors mounted?
3)    What is the function of engine frame?
4)    What parts are attached to the top section and seal off the crankcase?
5)    Where are the one piece cylinder liners and a cast steel strong back fitted and what for?
6) What are the vertical lands between the ports cooled by?
7)     Where is the joint face between the cylinder cover and the liner arranged?
8)     What is the construction of the crankshaft? What is it joined by?
9)     What accommodates the turning gear and forged with the crankshaft?
10)     What incorporates a thrust collar?

Задание 4
Переведите с русского на английский:
1)    Процесс выхлопа осуществляется двигателем поршня вверх и вниз.
2)    Коленчатый вал двигателя МАН изготовлен из высококачественной стали, позволяющей выдержать большие нагрузки.
3)    Верхняя часть поршня предназначена для улучшенного восприятия толкающей силы газов при детонации.
4)    Принцип смазки осуществляется при определенном давлении к трущимся деталям.
5)    Очистка камеры сгорания производится периодически пум шлифовки стенок цилиндра.

Задание 5
Перескажите текст.
